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Welcome to Danish Language Resources. This interactive document is an evolving work that collects resources for English speakers who are learning the Danish language. I started this when I was working through the Danish language course on Duolingo. The Wordpress site where it was originally hosted suffered from some bitrot, so I moved it over to a nice fresh MkDocs site.


I started learning Danish through Duolingo in December 2014. I had spent a considerable effort throughout 2012 picking up German due to its importance in the insurance industry and my dissertation studies. But, like a lot of things, it got set aside. I picked up German again through Duolingo in November of 2014, but set it aside in favor of Danish when it became available through the Android app.

I was motivated to learn Danish for sillier reasons. We had just booked a family vacation to Iceland. Seeing that Icelandic was not available through Duolingo, Danish made some sense. First, Danish is compulsory for Icelandic students (as is English). Further, Icelandic and Danish are fairly closely related, so it might help. This turned out well, since road signs and menus in Icelandic were fairly intelligible after completing, roughly, two-thirds of the Danish Duolingo course in three months. Norwegian Bokmål might have made more sense, but the course was not yet available.

This page exists to collect resources from around the Internet, principally YouTube, to help students learning Danish and provide a catalog for my own use. Please feel free to suggest additional material.


This document is being developed in public using the GitHub service. There is a link at the top of every page to the repository. Suggested changes are welcome by either initiating a pull request or filing an issue on GitHub. I am notified of these things almost immediately.

Ground Rules

  1. These rules only apply to my copy.
  2. Links to any outside material must be free to access.
  3. Do not use this as a platform to sell your services or products.
  4. We are using ze/zem/zir for personal pronouns in English.