Using AI Tools in Class

Wednesday January 25, 2023

•  teaching •  futurism •  artificial intelligence • 

AI tools, such as ChatGPT and AI-based art generation, are becoming increasingly widely available and accessible to the general public. With the advancement of technology, these tools are no longer limited to large research labs and tech companies but are now available to individuals, small businesses, and educational institutions. The development of cloud-based platforms and APIs have made it easier than ever for anyone to access and use these tools, regardless of their technical expertise or resources. Additionally, the open-source community has played a significant role in making these tools available and easy to use for anyone interested. As a result, the use of AI tools is becoming more and more prevalent in various fields, from business to education and art and many more.

While the widespread availability of AI tools can bring many benefits to education, it also presents certain threats. With the ease of access to these tools, the temptation to use them for cheating or plagiarism may increase. Additionally, the use of AI tools may also lead to an overreliance on technology at the expense of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the use of AI tools in education could also perpetuate biases and reinforce existing inequalities if the data used to train these tools is not diverse and inclusive. Therefore, it’s vital that educational institutions have policies in place to govern the use of AI tools and make sure they are used ethically and responsibly, while also providing education on the limitations and biases of AI tools. This will ensure that the students can make the most out of these tools while being aware of their potential drawbacks.

Students need to learn how to use AI tools appropriately to realize their potential and avoid potential pitfalls. Learning how to use these technologies responsibly and ethically will not only help students to be successful in the classroom but also their future careers. As AI is becoming an essential part of many industries, it’s essential that students develop the necessary skills to work with these tools. Additionally, understanding the limitations and biases of AI tools and being able to evaluate the results they produce critically is also crucial. With this knowledge, students will be able to make more informed decisions and be able to use these tools more responsibly and effectively. Education on the responsible use of AI tools should be an essential component of any course or program that uses these technologies.

Students who learn to use AI tools properly will be better prepared for jobs and life in the 21st century. The ability to work with AI technologies is becoming increasingly important in many industries, as they are being used to automate tasks, make predictions, and analyze data. Having a good understanding of these tools and being able to use them effectively will give students a competitive edge in the job market. Furthermore, the skills and knowledge acquired while learning to use AI tools are not limited to specific industries but are transferable across many domains. As a result, the students will be more versatile and adaptable to different job opportunities in the future. Additionally, being able to use these tools responsibly and ethically will also prepare them to navigate the rapidly changing technological landscape and be good citizens in a society increasingly shaped by AI.

With this in mind, I have added the following to my course syllabus to encourage the use of AI tools in class but also require they be used responsibly:

This course will make use of various AI tools to enhance the learning experience for students. These tools may include, but are not limited to, machine learning platforms, language processing tools, and computer vision software. Students are expected to use these tools responsibly and ethically, adhering to the guidelines outlined below:

  • Students must not use AI tools to cheat or plagiarize.
  • Students must not use AI tools to harass or discriminate against others.
  • Students must respect the terms of service and privacy policies of any AI tools used in the course.
  • Students are encouraged to report any misuse of AI tools to the instructor.
  • Students must not share their login credentials for any AI tools used in the course with others.
  • Students should be aware of the limitations and biases of AI tools and consider them when interpreting results.
  • Students must be able to explain how they used any AI tools and include an explanation with any assignment turned in using AI tools.
  • Students are responsible for learning how to use AI tools effectively. The instructor will provide resources and opportunities for students to learn and practice using these tools, but it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to become proficient in their use.

By enrolling in this course, students agree to abide by this policy on AI tools. Any violations of this policy will be reported to the appropriate authorities and may result in disciplinary action.

And just to emphasize the point, this policy was based on one written by ChatGPT.