As you may have noticed, there are a number of feeds available on the right hand sidebar of this page. These feeds come from several sources. The Blog feed is generated internally by Textpattern on this website. But the rest live more interesting lives.
The feed for the Calendar (or “Events”) is generated by Google Calendar and parsed by FeedBurner into a usable feed. The feed labeled Comments is generated by Intense Debate before going through FeedBurner.
The Asides feed is stranger still. It is originally generated by Twitter. From there, my Facebook picks it up and then my website downloads and displays the most recent three entries in the corner. However, Twitter’s output is suboptimal for this presentation, so the user name is stripped out by Yahoo! Pipes before being displayed here.
The last feed, the Aggregate is the amalgam of all these other feeds. Again, Yahoo! Pipes processes the other four feeds and merges them into one allowing one subscription to give you all the updates for this site.