Listen to Me Discuss The Purge on KPHX This Saturday

Thursday June 30, 2016

•  cognitive psychology •  ethics •  horror •  media studies •  meta-ethics •  moral psychology •  normative ethics •  radio •  thought experiments • 

At 12:40 (EDT) / 9:40 (PST) on Saturday, I will be discussing the ethics of The Purge on Breakthrough Entertainment on KPHX in Phoenix. While The Purge is a bad horror movie, some of the underlying ethical ideas exposed raise some interesting questions. I will also be talking about some antecedent media that addressed these ideas including “The Return of the Archons”, “The Lottery”, and The Hunger Games.

Tune in to find out more and I will post an MP3 a few days after the show or listen to the live stream here:

Image by robertescu / Pixabay.

Ukraine will prevail!