Editorial on Texas Flooding in the News and Record

Monday September 04, 2017

•  environmental studies •  flood insurance •  Hurricane Harvey •  NFIP • 

The Greensboro News and Record picked up the article I wrote for The Conversation in 2015 and ran it as an editorial. While it is two years old, nothing has really changed. The National Flood Insurance Program keeps pushing people to make bad decisions and the rest of us are left holding the debt. Read more in the News and Record:

James P. Howard II: Hurricane Harvey dramatizes flood insurance problems

Torrential storms coursed through much of Texas in recent days, prompting massive flooding that swept away entire homes and left wakes of devastation. It will be days, if not weeks, before we can calculate the final costs, both in terms of life and property.

Image by 79th Quartermaster Company / United States Army Reserve.