I Got a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Science!

Wednesday June 19, 2019

•  environmental science •  environmental studies •  JHU • 

Apparently, these things come as PDFs now!

Anyway, for the last couple of years, I’ve taken a few classes here and there at the Johns Hopkins School of Engineering and completed the master of science program in environmental engineering and science. Since I finished the doctoral program at UMBC writing ultimately about environmental policy, I found it helpful to have a stronger background on the science and engineering side. This would allow me to talk better on both sides of the problem.

This is a great program and included a couple of classes of note. Specifically, environmental chemistry was the hardest class I’ve ever taken. Also, it was some awesome blog fodder. A lot of the short papers and comments I wrote for the course were posted here under the environmental studies tag! May as well get a two-fer!

The digital diploma is also neat. There’s a traditional paper copy on the way, but the digital diploma can be verified in two ways. The first is using the code in the corner and going to the JHU Registrar’s website and entering a code will validate the diploma. You have to enter the code, which in my cases is “19OT-N9QZ-JXIZ” and the first two letters of the name. This is tricky, since it is not the last name, but the name as provided on the diploma; in my case, this is “JA.”

The second validation mechanism takes advantage of digital signatures. The PDF document is digitally signed by “CeCredential Trust,” which most of our computers will trust. So if you open the PDF in a supported viewer, it will say it is valid certified document!