Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online Call for Chapter Proposals

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: September 30, 2017
  • Editors:
    • James P. Howard, II
    • John F. Beyers


Online education has grown to be a major component of the higher education market in both the United States and worldwide. Students take entire degree programs online or selected courses online for convenience. In addition, many instructors have adopted online resources to support face-to-face instruction, either as a supplement or through “flipping-the-classroom,” which pushes most instruction outside the traditional classroom. Teaching and learning online introduces a number of complications ranging from effective assessment to managing student engagement. In mathematics and statistics courses, these complications emphasize already existing difficulties in working with students with math anxiety, the abstractness of the material, and notation.

Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online (TLMO) will bridge these issues and present meaningful solutions for teaching and learning mathematics online. TLMO will focus on the problems seen by mathematics instructors working in the field and provide a set of standard practices which have demonstrated their use and viability to improve the quality of online mathematics instruction. This book will include chapters that present interactive demonstration techniques, address the divide between students with access to varying levels of technology, familiarity and comfort with mathematical content, and methods for developing reliable and rigorous assessment techniques across digital connections. We believe this will enhance our ability as educators to reach students and successfully instruct in a subject with well-known difficulties.

Instructors will benefit from learning new techniques and approaches to delivering mathematical content. Their students will benefit from the new techniques presented as students are better able to assimilate and apply the material. Finally, we expect our readers will find better methods to work with students across skill levels.

Objectives of the Book

The objective of TLMO is to provide a set of practice standards for educators teaching mathematics and statistics in the online and hybrid environments. The text will present sound methods for delivering mathematical content to students grounded in both the research and practice of mathematics education. It will also present methods and tools for integrating online material to students in the traditional classroom.

We will welcome chapters that focus on empirical research, theoretical frameworks, or detailed case studies showing what works in the classroom. We are also interested chapters that provide content for international education, especially to students in the developing world. As a whole, TLMO should provide a framework for developing, implementing, and teaching online mathematics and statistics courses to students across disciplines and skill levels.

Target Audience

The target audience for TLMO are practicing educators, at the high school, collegiate, and postgraduate level. These educators are familiar with mathematics and statistical instruction, but may be new to the online or hybrid classroom. These educations may also be interested in integrating online instruction in the traditional classroom. In addition to practicing educators, TLMO will also appeal to mathematics education researchers and instructors of other natural sciences who must integrate mathematical and statistical content into online and hybrid courses. The volume will be a handbook of methods and practices for teaching excellence across mathematical courses.

Suggested Topics

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Teaching nontraditional students such as adult learners, working students, or high school students
  • Reaching students with math anxiety
  • Integrating online resources within the face-to-face classroom
  • Writing across the curriculum: integrating written assignments
  • Meaningful strategies for assessment and outcomes measurement
  • Teaching statistics courses online or using hybrid methods
  • Teaching upper-level and specialty undergraduate courses
  • Developing interactive demonstrations for the online classroom
  • Teaching statistics and/or research methods to graduate students in professional programs
  • Using social media to the online or face-to-face classrooms
  • The use and influence of MOOCs in online mathematics instruction
  • Synchronous versus asynchronous instruction
  • Mathematics outside of math courses, such as physics, computer science, or data analysis
  • Teaching students using mobile online education platforms
  • Integrating open educational resources in the online classroom
  • Managing quality assurance, including student identity and authentication
  • Challenges unique to mathematics and statistics online

Other topic areas related to teaching mathematics online will be welcomed.

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their chapter proposals. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2019.

Proposals, chapters, and inquiries should be submitted to James P. Howard, II «james.howard@jhu.edu». There is no template for the proposals. However, they should clearly describe the topic of the chapter, and list the tentative sections alongside a rough estimate of their lengths. Proposals should also include authors’ information (names, affiliations, email addresses, and short bios).

Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer-review editorial process.


CRC Press, Florida, USA, is a premier global publisher of science, technology, and medical resources. CRC Press is a member of Taylor & Francis Group. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit their website at https://www.crcpress.com.

Important Dates

  • September 30, 2017: Chapter proposals due
  • December 15, 2017: Contributors will be notified and selected authors invited to participate
  • August 31, 2018: First submission of chapters
  • November 30, 2018: Initial chapter review and authors asked to revise if appropriate
  • January 31, 2019: Final chapter submission
  • Mid 2019: Publication

Manuscript Submission

A chapter is recommended to be approximately 30 double-spaced 8x11 or A4 pages with one-inch margins. Longer or shorter chapters are fine. Chapters should be proofread, polished and formatted according to the publisher’s instructions before submission. Submissions should be made using Microsoft Word 2013 or later. Author’s guidelines and chapter template will be available to accepted authors.

For More Information

Inquiries may be forwarded electronically to:

Updates and further information available at https://jameshoward.us/tlmo, or sign-up to receive announcements.