National Society Descendants of American Railroad Workers

Member jure Harry Lee Williams (Locomotive Engineer); member no. 120

The National Society Descendants of American Railroad Workers (NSDARW) was formed in 2021 to honor and preserve the legacy of our ancestors who contributed to the development of the railroad systems in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Membership in this society celebrates the contributions of those whose labor enabled the expansion of our country and its economic growth.

Harry Lee Williams

Harry Lee Williams, my great-grandfather, served as a locomotive engineer for over 30 years. While the specific railroad company remains uncertain, it is believed to have been either the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad or the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, as both companies were closely associated with my family. Despite challenges in retrieving detailed employment records—due to an empty file from the Railroad Retirement Board–the legacy of Harry’s work and dedication is clear. He worked as an engineer up until his death in 1950, embodying the spirit of service and dedication that the NSDARW aims to preserve.

About the Society

The NSDARW was founded by Amanda Morris and Christopher Bowen in February 2021 in the state of Virginia. The society’s mission is to honor the ancestors of its members who were involved in building, maintaining, organizing, or administrating railroads, commuter rails, or streetcar systems in North America during the period between March 1, 1825, and December 31, 1950. The NSDARW’s dedication extends beyond genealogical documentation to include educational programming and support for historical preservation efforts tied to American railroad history.

The motto of the society–“The journey is just as important as the destination”–reflects the values and spirit of the railroad workers who connected cities, industries, and people. By preserving and sharing these stories, the society ensures that the contributions of railroad workers are not forgotten.

Membership Eligibility and Purpose

Membership in the NSDARW is open to any individual over the age of eighteen who can prove lineal descent from a railroad worker who contributed to the development of the railroads in the United States, Mexico, or Canada. Eligible roles include a wide variety of positions such as engineers, conductors, telegraphers, station agents, and more. The aim of the NSDARW is not only to honor the past but also to engage in educational, charitable, historical, genealogical, patriotic, literary, and social activities that celebrate the railroad and its employees.

The NSDARW’s purpose is encapsulated in their motto and in their commitment to:

  • Identifying and honoring ancestors who were railroad workers.
  • Collecting and sharing records, documents, and photos about the history of these workers.
  • Supporting educational and historical activities that preserve railroad heritage.


My acceptance into the National Society Descendants of American Railroad Workers allows me to honor the legacy of Harry Lee Williams and recognize his long-standing contributions to the railroad industry. This membership is not just a celebration of his life but also a continuation of my effort to preserve and document the rich history of my family and its role in American industry.

Additional memberships will be added as they are approved.