

Thursday November 12, 2015

Classroom Regulation

•  math education •  mathematics •  pedagogy •  public affairs education •  teaching •  UMGC •  University of Baltimore • 
Friday November 06, 2015

Decision and Relative Risk

•  behavioral economics •  economics •  risk management •  scorpions • 
Friday October 30, 2015

Hardware and Software

•  arduino •  Atari •  BASIC •  computer science •  DOS •  embedded systems •  programming •  software engineering •  systems science • 
Wednesday October 28, 2015

Richard Henry Lee was not Dr. Strangelove

•  1776 •  BeaABH •  ChaseKBH •  media studies •  parenting • 
Monday October 26, 2015

Det är dags att fira

•  Duolingo •  north Germanic languages •  northern studies •  Swedish • 
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