All Posts With Tag mathematics


Thursday May 23, 2024

A Note on the Final Digit of $\pi$

•  mathematics •  number theory •  proofs • 
Monday April 08, 2024

Solar Eclipse Mathematics

•  mathematics •  orbital dynamics •  solar eclipse •  astronomy • 


Thursday November 02, 2023

What is Stochastic Calculus?

•  mathematics •  statistics •  calculus • 


Sunday September 18, 2022

The Value of Mathematical Knowledge

•  mathematics •  education • 


Tuesday February 18, 2020

Shotgun Pi

•  mathematics •  Open Science Grid •  statistics • 


Saturday May 25, 2019

How Data Science Happens

•  data science •  mathematics •  MDOR •  systems science • 
Saturday March 09, 2019

Stokes' Theorem and Green's Theorem

•  calculus •  mathematics •  vector calculus • 
Monday March 04, 2019

Green's Theorem and the Planimeter

•  calculus •  mathematics •  vector calculus • 
Monday February 25, 2019

Gradient Fields Forever

•  calculus •  CMNA •  curves •  mathematics •  multivariate • 
Wednesday February 13, 2019

New Chapter on Mathematical Literacy

•  innumeracy •  math education •  mathematics • 
Thursday January 03, 2019

Using Rust on the Open Science Grid

•  HPC •  mathematics •  Open Science Grid •  Rust • 


Saturday November 17, 2018

A Challenge Problem for Extra Credit

•  extra credit •  finite mathematics •  math education •  mathematics •  optimization • 
Monday August 06, 2018

Some More Math Syllabi

•  college algebra •  math education •  mathematics •  UMGC • 
Wednesday March 21, 2018

Intermediate Algebra, Spring 2018

•  algebra •  math education •  mathematics •  UMGC • 
Wednesday February 14, 2018

Phonics in JOSS, version 1.0.0 released

•  data science •  demography •  JOSS •  mathematics •  papers •  phonics •  XSEDE • 
Friday January 05, 2018

JMM in San Diego Next Week

•  Joint Mathematical Meetings •  knot theory •  mathematics •  neural networks •  popular mathematics •  San Diego •  statistics •  topology • 


Saturday December 30, 2017

A New Way of Teaching Math

•  finite mathematics •  math education •  mathematics •  pedagogy •  UMGC • 
Wednesday November 08, 2017

XSEDE is Awesome

•  demography •  mathematics •  phonics •  scientific computing •  supercomputing •  text analysis •  XSEDE • 
Wednesday August 09, 2017

Syllabus for Introduction to Statistics

•  math education •  mathematics •  statistics •  TLMO •  UMGC • 
Saturday August 05, 2017

I Thought the Generals Were Due!

•  lottery •  math education •  mathematics •  megamillions •  probability •  risk •  statistics •  The Simpsons • 
Friday August 04, 2017

Halloween Changes to Mega Millions Scare Some

•  lottery •  math education •  mathematics •  megamillions •  statistics • 
Monday July 31, 2017

Teaching Mathematics Online Call for Proposals

•  books •  math education •  mathematics •  TLMO •  UMGC • 
Wednesday July 12, 2017

Comments on RPN

•  calculators •  computer science •  lex •  math education •  mathematics •  RPN •  scientific computing •  software engineering •  systems science •  Texas Instruments •  Unix •  yacc •  Z-80 • 
Friday June 30, 2017

Summer Math Teaching

•  college algebra •  math education •  mathematics •  syllabi •  UMGC • 
Saturday April 29, 2017

Crossing the Bridge

•  math education •  mathematics •  microrants • 
Wednesday April 26, 2017

Circular Reasoning

•  engineering •  geometry •  mathematics •  public works • 
Monday April 24, 2017

Students and Customers

•  education policy •  mathematics •  public affairs •  public finance • 
Monday March 06, 2017

Syllabus for Intermediate Algebra

•  algebra •  MATH 012 •  math education •  mathematics •  UMGC • 
Friday March 03, 2017

Data Science for Restaurant Inspections

•  food inspections •  JHU •  JHU/APL •  mathematics •  public affairs •  public health • 
Thursday February 16, 2017

Say "Yes" to the Dress

•  crafts •  math education •  mathematics •  sewing •  UMGC • 
Saturday February 04, 2017

Syllabus for Finite Mathematics

•  finite mathematics •  math education •  mathematics •  syllabi •  UMGC • 
Thursday January 05, 2017

And Behind Door #3...

•  artificial intelligence •  ethics •  JHU •  JHU/APL •  mathematics •  media studies •  operations research •  probability •  Star Trek • 


Wednesday October 05, 2016

My New Math Assignment Rubric

•  evaluation •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Friday September 02, 2016

What is a 100-year flood?

•  environmental policy •  environmental science •  environmdental studies •  flooding •  Howard County •  mathematics •  statistics •  weather • 
Tuesday August 16, 2016

Deep Analytics and Big Data

•  analytics •  big data •  data science •  data science press •  mathematics •  scientific computing • 
Tuesday July 26, 2016

Of Course NaN^0 = 1

•  c •  data science •  floating point arithmetic •  hardware engineering •  mathematics •  numbers •  R •  scientific computing •  systems engineering •  systems science • 
Wednesday July 20, 2016

So I Am Not Teaching Calculus After All

•  algebra •  math education •  mathematics •  precalculus •  teaching •  trigonometry •  UMGC • 
Monday July 18, 2016

NaN versus NA in R

•  CMNA •  data science •  mathematics •  missing data •  R •  scientific computing •  statistics • 
Sunday July 17, 2016

Musings on Teaching Calculus Again

•  assessment •  calculus •  distance education •  math education •  mathematics •  UMGC • 
Saturday July 02, 2016

Thoughts on Monty Hall

•  Bayes theorem •  game shows •  mathematics •  Monty Hall problem •  popular mathematics •  risk •  risk analysis •  statistics • 
Friday July 01, 2016

Someone Will Win and It Probably Won't Be You

•  games •  lottery •  math education •  mathematics •  statistics • 
Monday June 27, 2016

An Accidental Math Professor

•  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Sunday June 26, 2016

Tips For Managing Online Courses

•  distance education •  education policy •  math education •  mathematics •  press • 
Tuesday June 21, 2016

Five Years at UMUC

•  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Tuesday May 24, 2016

It's on the Syllabus

•  math education •  mathematics •  public affairs education •  teaching •  teaching material • 
Friday April 08, 2016

Review of Meta-Analysis with R in JSS

•  data science •  mathematics •  research •  reviews •  scientific computing •  statistics • 
Wednesday March 30, 2016

Phonics v0.7.3 with Cologne Phonetic

•  data science •  linguistics •  mathematics •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing • 
Saturday February 27, 2016

Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom

•  distance education •  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Friday February 26, 2016

Cheerleading the Online Classroom

•  distance education •  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Tuesday February 16, 2016

waterfall 1.0.0 released

•  data science •  data visualization •  graphics •  mathematics •  R •  scientific computing •  statistics •  waterfall • 
Monday February 01, 2016

CMNA v0.1.0 Released

•  books •  CMNA •  data science •  mathematics •  numerical analysis •  scientific computing • 
Saturday January 09, 2016

Phonics 0.6.1 Released

•  data science •  linguistics •  mathematics •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing • 


Monday December 28, 2015

Phonics is Now on CRAN

•  data science •  linguistics •  mathematics •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing •  text analysis • 
Thursday December 24, 2015

Soundex in Phonics

•  data science •  linguistics •  mathematics •  Metaphone •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing •  software •  source code •  systems science •  text analysis • 
Wednesday December 23, 2015

Teaching Calculus

•  calculus •  math education •  mathematics •  RUME •  SOTL •  UMGC • 
Friday December 18, 2015

Playing fair with Geometry

•  geometry •  mathematics •  non-Euclidean geometry •  spherical geometry • 
Wednesday December 09, 2015

Numerical Analysis talk at Statistical Programming DC

•  CMNA •  data science •  mathematics •  matlab •  numerical analysis •  R •  scientific computing •  talks •  videos • 
Friday December 04, 2015

Pigeon Flocks for Decision Science

•  animal behavior •  data science •  machine learning •  mathematics •  neural networks •  oncology •  pigeons •  radiology •  scientific computing •  statistics • 
Friday November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th, Again Already

•  calendars •  math education •  mathematics •  superstition • 
Thursday November 12, 2015

Classroom Regulation

•  math education •  mathematics •  pedagogy •  public affairs education •  teaching •  UMGC •  University of Baltimore • 
Sunday October 04, 2015

Stop being so irrational

•  math education •  mathematics •  real analysis •  set theory • 
Monday September 28, 2015

Caverphone, NYSIIS, and StatCan Added to Phonics Package

•  data science •  free stuff •  linguistics •  mathematics •  Metaphone •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing •  software •  source code •  systems science •  text analysis • 
Sunday September 20, 2015

Metaphone in R

•  data science •  free stuff •  linguistics •  mathematics •  Metaphone •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing •  software •  source code •  systems science •  text analysis • 
Thursday September 03, 2015

Writing for Mathematical Reviews

•  math education •  mathematics •  reviews •  writing • 
Wednesday September 02, 2015

On Gerrymandering

•  economics •  elections •  math education •  mathematics •  political science •  public affairs •  public policy •  voting • 
Monday August 31, 2015

FOILed again!

•  batman •  math education •  mathematics •  robin • 
Sunday August 23, 2015

Wir sind die Roboter

•  data science •  ethics •  futures studies •  intellectual property •  mathematics •  predictive analytics •  retrofuturism •  robots •  scientific computing • 
Friday August 21, 2015

Radians Aren't So Bad

•  circles •  math education •  mathematics •  precalculus •  trigonometry • 
Wednesday August 12, 2015

Stop Making 3D Plots

•  data science •  math education •  mathematics •  scientific computing •  statistics •  visualization • 
Wednesday August 05, 2015

Odder than a Month of Sundays

•  bad math •  calendars •  combinatorics •  math education •  mathematics •  mythbusting •  proofs • 
Wednesday July 29, 2015

The Value of Working Code

•  data science •  mathematics •  matlab •  R •  reviews •  scientific computing •  writing • 
Tuesday July 28, 2015

Comments on Logarithmic Bases

•  algebra •  data science •  logarithms •  math education •  mathematics •  scientific computing •  trigonometry • 
Saturday June 13, 2015


•  data science •  engineering •  logarithms •  mathematics •  measurement •  planetary science •  science •  scientific computing •  sound •  TIL • 
Thursday June 11, 2015

Only Evil Genius Spontaneously Arises

•  education policy •  math education •  mathematics •  teaching • 
Wednesday June 03, 2015

Better Extra Credit

•  finite mathematics •  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Monday April 20, 2015

Matrix Row Echelon Form in R

•  CMNA •  data science •  linear algebra •  linear equations •  mathematics •  matrix algebra •  numerical analysis •  R •  scientific computing • 
Tuesday April 14, 2015

Why I Bought a Mega Millions Ticket

•  lottery •  Maryland •  mathematics •  risk •  statistics • 
Monday February 23, 2015

Teaching for UMUC

•  adjunct •  math education •  mathematics •  UMGC • 
Wednesday February 11, 2015

I lost and my rating went up?

•  chess •  correspondence chess •  games •  math education •  mathematics • 


Sunday November 30, 2014

Radiolab loses at statistics

•  bad math •  fair coin •  math education •  mathematics •  statistics • 
Tuesday October 21, 2014

Big Data for Locals

•  analytics •  big data •  data science •  futures studies •  Howard County •  mathematics •  public administration •  public affairs •  public policy •  scientific computing • 
Saturday September 20, 2014

LaTeX Dissertation Template for UMBC

•  dissertation •  LaTeX •  mathematics •  scientific computing •  UMBC • 
Thursday July 17, 2014

Teaching Finite Mathematics

•  math education •  mathematics •  statistics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Thursday June 12, 2014

My First Math Assignment Rubric

•  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Tuesday June 10, 2014

Review of More Fallacies, Flaws and Flimflam

•  math education •  mathematics •  reviews •  teaching • 
Wednesday April 09, 2014

The National Science Foundation Finds Ignorance

•  education •  mathematics •  policy •  science policy •  statistics • 
Friday January 17, 2014

JMM Slides

•  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 


Thursday August 22, 2013

My letter in Significance Magazine...

•  data science •  Flintstones •  letters •  mathematics •  scientific computing •  statistics •  Yogi Bear • 
Thursday May 16, 2013

Teacher Training in Higher Education

•  Coursera •  higher education •  math education •  mathematics •  MOOC •  teaching •  UMGC • 


Saturday November 10, 2012

Who run Bartertown?

•  data science •  mathematics •  Obama •  Romney •  science •  scientific computing • 
Saturday January 28, 2012

Fiscal Year CPI Indicators

•  cpi •  data •  data science •  economic analysis •  economics •  inflation •  mathematics •  scientific computing • 
Wednesday January 04, 2012

Recoding County-Level Data

•  counties •  data •  data science •  environmental policy •  environmental studies •  FEMA •  flood mitigation •  flood studies •  mathematics •  scientific computing • 


Sunday May 23, 2010

Waterfall Charts in R

•  data science •  finance •  graphics •  mathematics •  R •  scientific computing •  statistics •  waterfall • 
Sunday March 07, 2010

Bad Math from Wow Containers

•  commercials •  math education •  mathematics •