

Wednesday June 01, 2016

Maslow and Buddhism

•  Buddhist studies •  Coursera •  developmental psychology •  eastern philosophy • 
Sunday May 29, 2016

Flood Insurance Profits? Maybe Not

•  environmental policy •  environmental studies •  finance •  flood insurance •  flood studies •  insurance •  news •  NFIP • 
Tuesday May 24, 2016

It's on the Syllabus

•  math education •  mathematics •  public affairs education •  teaching •  teaching material • 
Monday May 16, 2016

Carme Test Plan

•  amateur radio •  arduino •  BeaABH •  Carme •  ChaseKBH •  GPS •  high-altitude balloons •  K3JPH •  RF engineering •  space robots • 
Monday May 09, 2016

Carme Design Alternatives

•  amateur radio •  arduino •  BeaABH •  Carme •  ChaseKBH •  GPS •  high-altitude balloons •  K3JPH •  RF engineering •  space robots • 
Friday May 06, 2016

My Dissertation

•  environmental policy •  environmental studies •  flood studies •  NFIP •  UMBC • 
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