

Monday December 28, 2015

Phonics is Now on CRAN

•  data science •  linguistics •  mathematics •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing •  text analysis • 
Friday December 25, 2015

A Tyvek Christmas Miracle

•  baking •  Christmas •  Dupont Tyvek •  materials science and engineering •  painting •  polypropylene • 
Thursday December 24, 2015

Soundex in Phonics

•  data science •  linguistics •  mathematics •  Metaphone •  phonetics •  phonics •  R •  scientific computing •  software •  source code •  systems science •  text analysis • 
Wednesday December 23, 2015

Teaching Calculus

•  calculus •  math education •  mathematics •  RUME •  SOTL •  UMGC • 
Friday December 18, 2015

Playing fair with Geometry

•  geometry •  mathematics •  non-Euclidean geometry •  spherical geometry • 
Saturday December 12, 2015

How we externalize other life risks

•  criminal justice •  economics •  gun violence •  insurance •  public affairs •  public economics •  public finance •  public health •  risk management •  taxation •  valuation • 
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