

Monday June 30, 2014

An Airplane Crushed My Water Bottle

•  air pressure •  airplanes •  everyday science •  physics • 
Tuesday June 24, 2014

Please Selfie After Evacuating

•  disaster management •  social media • 
Saturday June 14, 2014

Chess Engines and Playing Online

•  chess •  correspondence chess •  game theory •  games • 
Thursday June 12, 2014

My First Math Assignment Rubric

•  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Wednesday June 11, 2014

My First Chess Game

•  chess •  correspondence chess •  games •  tournaments • 
Tuesday June 10, 2014

Review of More Fallacies, Flaws and Flimflam

•  math education •  mathematics •  reviews •  teaching • 
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