Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online

Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online book cover

Online education has grown to be a major component of the higher education market in both the United States and worldwide. Students take entire degree programs online or selected courses online for convenience. In addition, many instructors have adopted online resources to support face-to-face instruction, either as a supplement or through “flipping-the-classroom,” which pushes most instruction outside the traditional classroom. Teaching and learning online introduces a number of complications ranging from effective assessment to managing student engagement. In mathematics and statistics courses, these complications emphasize already existing difficulties in working with students with math anxiety, the abstractness of the material, and notation.

Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online (TLMO) will bridge these issues and present meaningful solutions for teaching and learning mathematics online. TLMO will focus on the problems seen by mathematics instructors working in the field and provide a set of standard practices which have demonstrated their use and viability to improve the quality of online mathematics instruction. This book will include chapters that present interactive demonstration techniques, address the divide between students with access to varying levels of technology, familiarity and comfort with mathematical content, and methods for developing reliable and rigorous assessment techniques across digital connections. We believe this will enhance our ability as educators to reach students and successfully instruct in a subject with well-known difficulties.

Instructors will benefit from learning new techniques and approaches to delivering mathematical content. Their students will benefit from the new techniques presented as students are better able to assimilate and apply the material. Finally, we expect our readers will find better methods to work with students across skill levels.

Background Information

Bibliographic Information

  1. James P. Howard, II and John F. Beyers, Eds., Teaching and Learning Mathematics Online. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman and Hall/CRC, forthcoming.

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