

Saturday July 02, 2016

Thoughts on Monty Hall

•  Bayes theorem •  game shows •  mathematics •  Monty Hall problem •  popular mathematics •  risk •  risk analysis •  statistics • 
Friday July 01, 2016

Someone Will Win and It Probably Won't Be You

•  games •  lottery •  math education •  mathematics •  statistics • 
Tuesday June 28, 2016

Brexit Versus Texit

•  Brexit •  Canada •  democracy •  European Union •  international affairs •  international relations •  public affairs •  public choice •  public policy •  Québec •  Scotland •  Texas •  Texit •  United Kingdom •  United States •  voting • 
Monday June 27, 2016

An Accidental Math Professor

•  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Sunday June 26, 2016

Tips For Managing Online Courses

•  distance education •  education policy •  math education •  mathematics •  press • 
Wednesday June 22, 2016

An Engraved Invitation

•  education policy •  futures studies •  handwriting •  history •  technology • 
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