

Wednesday March 06, 2019

Howard County Charter Review

•  Charter Review •  Howard County •  Maryland •  public affairs • 
Monday March 04, 2019

Green's Theorem and the Planimeter

•  calculus •  mathematics •  vector calculus • 
Saturday March 02, 2019

Context of Japanese Syncretism

•  Asian studies •  Buddhist studies •  eastern philosophy •  Japan •  religion •  Shinto • 
Monday February 25, 2019

Gradient Fields Forever

•  calculus •  CMNA •  curves •  mathematics •  multivariate • 
Wednesday February 13, 2019

New Chapter on Mathematical Literacy

•  innumeracy •  math education •  mathematics • 
Saturday February 09, 2019

Howard County Should Free the Zoning Board

•  Howard County •  land use •  public policy • 
Friday February 08, 2019

A Note on Kanji and Hànzì

•  Asian studies •  Chinese •  handwriting •  Japanese •  linguistics • 
Tuesday January 22, 2019

This is a Test Post

•  lorem-ipsum •  meta •  test • 
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