

Thursday February 16, 2017

Say "Yes" to the Dress

•  crafts •  math education •  mathematics •  sewing •  UMGC • 
Saturday February 04, 2017

Syllabus for Finite Mathematics

•  finite mathematics •  math education •  mathematics •  syllabi •  UMGC • 
Thursday January 19, 2017

The Land of Milk and Honey

•  homeland security •  Howard County •  law enforcement •  social justice • 
Thursday January 05, 2017

And Behind Door #3...

•  artificial intelligence •  ethics •  JHU •  JHU/APL •  mathematics •  media studies •  operations research •  probability •  Star Trek • 


Thursday December 15, 2016

Blockchains Explained

•  computer science •  cryptography •  database systems •  software engineering •  systems science • 
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