

Saturday February 27, 2016

Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom

•  distance education •  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Friday February 26, 2016

Cheerleading the Online Classroom

•  distance education •  math education •  mathematics •  teaching •  UMGC • 
Thursday February 25, 2016

Notes on Expected Papal Life Spans

•  aging •  demographics •  Papacy • 
Wednesday February 17, 2016

Sleep with One Eye Open

•  artificial intelligence •  linux •  M-Net •  Miami University •  Unix • 
Tuesday February 16, 2016

waterfall 1.0.0 released

•  data science •  data visualization •  graphics •  mathematics •  R •  scientific computing •  statistics •  waterfall • 
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