

Saturday December 05, 2015

Gun-Related Violence is a Recession

•  criminal justice •  economics •  gun violence •  public affairs •  public economics •  public finance •  public health • 
Friday December 04, 2015

Pigeon Flocks for Decision Science

•  animal behavior •  data science •  machine learning •  mathematics •  neural networks •  oncology •  pigeons •  radiology •  scientific computing •  statistics • 
Wednesday December 02, 2015

Notes on English

•  Danish •  English •  linguistics •  northern studies •  Vikings • 
Wednesday November 18, 2015

Weird YouTube

•  flash horror •  media studies •  new media •  new weird •  science fiction •  slipstream • 
Friday November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th, Again Already

•  calendars •  math education •  mathematics •  superstition • 
Thursday November 12, 2015

Classroom Regulation

•  math education •  mathematics •  pedagogy •  public affairs education •  teaching •  UMGC •  University of Baltimore • 
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