

Wednesday January 20, 2021

Why is mRNA in My Vaccine?

•  COVID-19 â€¢  vaccines â€¢  public health â€¢  genetics â€¢ 
Wednesday January 13, 2021

My Talk on AR/VR/xR Ethics

•  ethics â€¢  technology â€¢  philosophy â€¢  law â€¢  virtual reality â€¢  augmented reality â€¢ 
Friday January 01, 2021

UMGC Gave Me a BA in East Asian Studies

•  UMGC â€¢  Asian studies â€¢ 


Sunday December 27, 2020

GURPS Disaster Hurricane Design Notes

•  games â€¢  GURPS â€¢  roleplaying games â€¢  gdh â€¢ 
Sunday November 15, 2020

Lifesaving with Mixed Reality

•  JHU/APL â€¢  mixed reality â€¢  augmented reality â€¢  disaster response â€¢ 
Monday November 09, 2020

INFORMS Presentation on Electoral Process

•  INFORMS â€¢  public policy â€¢  elections â€¢  political science â€¢  voting security â€¢ 
Monday October 12, 2020

Phonics in JSS

•  phonics â€¢  articles â€¢  R â€¢  XSEDE â€¢  data science â€¢  demography â€¢  computational linguistics â€¢ 
Monday October 05, 2020

Podcast on NIST Requirements and Blockchain

•  blockchain â€¢  podcasts â€¢  interviews â€¢  data security â€¢ 
Sunday September 27, 2020

My Interview With Forward Maryland

•  Forward Maryland â€¢  podcasts â€¢  interviews â€¢  Charter Review Commission â€¢ 
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