Mina Sedaghatjou, James P. Howard, II, and Minnie Liu, “Pedagogy of Care: A New Dimension for Online STEM Teaching Proven by COVID19-Pandemic,” Fields Institute MathEd Forum, Virtual, Jan. 31, 2021.
James P. Howard, II, Arthur O. Tucker, IV, Stephen A. Bailey, James L. Dean, Michael Boyle, Christopher D. Stiles, and William C. Woodcock, “Mixed Reality for Post-Disaster Situational Awareness,” Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 205-210, 2020.
Jeffrey Craig, Rohit Mehta, and James P. Howard, II, “Quantitative literacy to new quantitative literacies,” in Shifting Contexts, Stable Core: Advancing Quantitative Literacy in Higher Education, Luke Tunstall, Gizem Karaali, and Victor Piercey, Eds., ser. MAA Notes. Washington: Mathematical Association of America, ch. 2, pp. 15–25, 2019.
James P. Howard, II, “Blockchain Applications for Distributed Data,” in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society, Joint Mathematics Meetings, vol. 40, Baltimore, p. 278, 2019.
Don Thibeau, Heather Flannery, Adam Migus, and James P. Howard, II, “Identity and Trust,” 2018 ONC Interoperability Forum, ser. Security Track, Washington, Aug. 7, 2018.
Nathan H. Parrish, Anna L. Buczak, Jared T. Zook, James P. Howard, II, and Brian J. Ellison, “Crystal Cube: Multidisciplinary Approach to Disruptive Events Prediction,” in Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Society, Jussi Ilari Kantola, Salman Nazir, Tibor Barath, Eds., ser. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, AHFE 2018, vol. 783, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 571–581, 2018.
Lorraine Black, Natalie M. Scala, Paul Goethals, and James P. Howard, II, “Values and Trends in Cybersecurity,” in Proceedings of the 2018 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, Kash Barker, Diana Berry, Chase Rainwater, Eds., Orlando, Florida: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, pp. 1820–1825, 2018.
James P. Howard, II, “Two Fields Separated by a Common Language,” in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society, Joint Mathematics Meetings, vol. 39, San Diego, p. 511, 2018.
James P. Howard, II, “And Behind Door #3…,” in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society, vol. 38, Atlanta, Georgia: Joint Mathematics Meetings, p. 394, 2017.
James P. Howard, II, “Economics of Martian Infrastructure,” Mars Society, Washington: 19th Annual International Mars Society Convention, Sep. 25, 2016.
James P. Howard, II, “The American Invasion of Russia,” University of Maryland College Park Scholars Capstone Conference, College Park, Maryland, May 13, 2000.
Grants and Support
Co-Principal Investigator, Data Dashboards for Individual Risk of Covid-19—Integrating Local and Population Levels of Data, Johns Hopkins Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science (Co-PI: Tom Woolf), Seed Funding Program 2022, ($25,000).
Principal Investigator, Travel Grant, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Janney Energize Award 2019, (INFORMS 2019, $6,500).
Principal Investigator, Development Grant, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Ignition Grant 2018, ($10,000).
Principal Investigator, Europa Lander Orbital Tours, Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), Startup Allocation TG-DBS170012 National Science Foundation (NSF), 2018, (33,562,428 NUs, $13,652.86).
Co-Investigator, Crystal Cube—The Future Is Here. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PI: Anna Loskiewicz-Buczak), Propulsion Grant 2018, ($500,000).
Co-Investigator, ANTICS—Advanced Network Technology for Integrating Communications in Space, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PIs: Dave Copeland and Ed Birrane), Propulsion Grant 2018, ($500,000).
Co-Investigator, Dynamic Causal Decision Trees for Explainable AI, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PI: Mark Matties), Combustion Grant 2018, ($50,000).
Principal Investigator, Defense and Security Applications for Blockchain Conference, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Janney Energize Award 2017, ($40,000).
Co-Investigator, Blockchain for Supply Chain Management and Tracking of National Security Assets, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PI: Jaime Arribas Starkey-El), Ignition Grant 2017, ($20,000).
Principal Investigator, Phonetic Spelling Approaches to Indexing Large Populations, Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), Startup Allocation TG-DBS170012 National Science Foundation (NSF), 2017, (4,655,650 NUs, $1,346).
Co-Investigator, Marco Polo. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PI: Romina Nikoukar), Propulsion Grant 2017, ($250,000).
Co-Investigator, Crystal Cube—The Future Is Here. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PI: Anna Loskiewicz-Buczak), Propulsion Grant 2017, ($350,000).
Co-Investigator, ANTICS—Advanced Network Technology for Integrating Communications in Space, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, (PIs: Dave Copeland and Ed Birrane), Propulsion Grant 2017, ($350,000).
Principal Investigator, Blockchain-Assured Network Name Service, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Combustion Grant 2017, ($50,000).
Augmenting the Classroom with Web-Based Interactive Demonstrations. University of Maryland University College, Center for Teaching and Learning Professional Development Grant 2014, (2014 Joint Mathematics Meeting, $508).
Estimating the Net Social Benefits of the National Flood Insurance Program. UMBC Graduate Student Association, Travel Grant 2013, (Fifth Annual Conference and Meeting of the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, $500).
Measuring the Impacts of National Flood Insurance Program. UMBC Graduate Student Association, Travel Grant 2012, (William and Mary Graduate Research Symposium, $500).