

Monday January 01, 2018

Video from Patrick Henderson's Meet the People

•  public affairs •  public economics •  radio •  tax policy •  taxes •  WOLB • 


Sunday December 31, 2017

Appearing on WBOL on New Year's Day, Let's Talk Taxes

•  baltimore •  media •  public affairs •  public economics •  radio • 
Saturday December 30, 2017

A New Way of Teaching Math

•  finite mathematics •  math education •  mathematics •  pedagogy •  UMGC • 
Friday December 29, 2017

Unlocking the Box

•  art •  BeaABH •  ChaseKBH •  family •  parenting •  projects • 
Saturday December 23, 2017

How The Tax Bill Won't Create Jobs

•  economics •  public affairs •  public economics •  tax policy • 
Tuesday December 12, 2017

The Return of the GEDI

•  climate change •  Earth science •  environmental studies •  GEDI •  NASA •  space science • 
Friday November 24, 2017

ICESat and ICEsat-2

•  cryosphere •  Earth science •  environmental studies •  ICESat •  NASA •  northern studies • 
Monday November 13, 2017

Ethohistorical Note on Dharma

•  Asian studies •  Buddhist studies •  eastern philosophy •  Jaina Studies • 
Friday November 10, 2017

Lottery Luck in the Tax Proposal

•  lottery •  public affairs •  public finance •  public policy •  tax policy • 
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