

Wednesday February 14, 2018

Phonics in JOSS, version 1.0.0 released

•  data science •  demography •  JOSS •  mathematics •  papers •  phonics •  XSEDE • 
Wednesday February 14, 2018

Life, the Universe, and Everything

•  astrobiology •  biology •  Earth science •  futures studies •  microbiology • 
Tuesday February 13, 2018

Flood Insurance Renewed...Again

•  budget •  environmental studies •  flood insurance •  NFIP • 
Wednesday February 07, 2018

Three Reasons to Buy Flood Insurance

•  environmental policy •  environmental studies •  flood insurance •  news •  press • 
Thursday January 25, 2018

Data in Search of a Theory

•  Congress •  government •  human resources •  public affairs •  public finance •  public personnel management • 
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